Homelessness in California USA has reached a level that can only be explained as a crisis. Violent attacks have been happening to people living on the streets and it’s only getting worse.

With your help we can provide the homeless in California with some protection so they can sleep safer at night. We can help these people with a safer place to sleep so they don’t have to sleep on the streets.

California Homelessness Statistics:

151,278 people experience homelessness in California on any given day ( 2019, usich.gov).

108,432 of these Californian homeless people are unsheltered – sleeping on the street (HUD 2019).

47% of all American unsheltered homeless people live in California (marketwatch.com).

Homelessness in California increased by 16.4% in 2019 – which is an additional 21,306 people (usnews.com).

Approximately 246,296 Californian school students experience homelessness each year. 7,533 of these students are unsheltered (2016-2017, usich.gov).

These people need your help. The homeless situation in California is continuing to get worse. We are seeing violence to these people increasing with not enough help from the government. Your donation can help someone sleep safer tonight and save them from abuse.

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